I wish this post had something to do with the television
show “The Voice”. It would mean I can
actually sing! I mean, everyone can sing,
but my attempts sound more like a frog with a sore throat: It just kind of
croaks in a scratchy kind of way.
No, this is about the voice in my head. NO!!
I’m not “hearing” voices so send back the guys with the unfashionable
jackets, okay? No, this is the voice
that we all have. The one that says,
“Don’t forget to pick up some milk” and “Gotta remember to take the dog to the
groomer”. THAT voice.
For the non-mentally interesting, those are the types of
conversations that are held within the head.
The mind thinks it, a mental note is made, and if all goes as planned
the brain regurgitates the info at the appropriate time and the dog gets
groomed and no one does without milk on his/her Frosted Flakes. Voila! Fait accompli! (That’s fancy for: got ‘er done.)
But, for we mentally interesting, the convo is quite
different. During hypomanic (and manic)
states, the brain’s convo is so pleasing!
“You can do anything!” “Yes,
start that new business, go back to school, and adopt 10 children from
underprivileged countries!” Yep, this is
how the mind thinks: Anything is possible during these phases. Projects are begun, the family gets fed, and
there is plenty of milk for the Frosted Flakes.
Mania and hypomania are not fully wonderful. There are plenty of downsides, but the voice
in the head is a friend. It loves you
and everyone around you. The to-do list
is generally remembered without transferring it to paper and every item on it
gets checked off. Done and done!
With bipolar disorder, though, what goes up must come
down. And when the depression hits…even when
it’s not a deep depression… the voice’s words, inflections, and hidden meanings
take a completely different turn. “How
can I pick up the milk and take the dog to the groomer’s when I can barely get
out of bed?” That’s one thought, but the
Voice follows closely behind (using a capital V for this voice) calling you a lazy slob, useless, and more. Once out of bed, it can be difficult just to
take a shower. Energy and strength are
nonexistent, making any effort seemingly Herculean in nature. Sometimes, just breathing is an effort.
So here comes the Voice again. “You’re hopeless” “You can’t do anything
right” “You ruin everyone’s life” “The situation is just hopeless” “Why would
anyone want to be around you?” “You can’t even take care of yourself, let alone
your family. They’d be better off
without you.” The last comment inevitably leads to: “Everyone would be better
off if I wasn’t around. They’d all be
happier if I just went away.” Translate
“went away” to “commit suicide”.
That’s not rational, you say? Tell me about it! But the depressed brain is definitely not
rational. It lies. And yes, I’ve heard comment from the Voice, too. My hubby has made me
promise to let him know if and when I start hearing It. Sadly, he doesn’t like to leave me alone if
he feels I’m upset about something or feeling more depressed than I had
been. I say “sadly” because I hate
knowing my illness affects him like that.
He deserves so much more. (Did you notice what I did there? That’s the Voice.)
It’s bad enough that the Voice drags us over a truly rocky
road…ice cream not included…but then it plays wonderful little tricks on
us. You see, most of us mentally
interesting folks whose brain cooties include depression really don’t feel like
being around anyone while depressed.
When we manage to drag ourselves out to run errands we make every effort
to prevent human interaction. (Remember,
just breathing is a challenge. Need to
use that all important oxygen just to survive.)
At home, we ignore the phone, don’t return texts or emails…the thought
of any kind of exchange is exhausting.
Keep in mind, we don’t even know what we offer. Trying to chit chat as if we’re well and
happy and offer something meaningful to mankind is just more than we can
do. And when we do we deserve an Oscar
for best performance award. Ordering
pizza ‘cause you can’t cook dinner?
Internet to the rescue! Don’t
have to talk to anyone that way.
A Catch-22 then comes into play, and it’s really not fair…we
suffer enough. But frequently it’s our
own family and closest friends we avoid while depressed. It makes it worse, feeling we’re ignoring a
loved one when in actuality we simply can’t communicate. Let’s head on out a few days, week, month or
so later and the depression lifts! Fabulous,
right? Life returns to some semblance of
“normal”. Au contraire. (I’m enjoying using fancy terms today. Humor me.)
We beat ourselves up until we’re
bleeding while depressed, and the worse of it, for many of us anyway, is knowing
we’ve ignored people we care about. Birthdays, holidays, just contact in
general. There’s the worry that we’ve
run them off. And in some cases, we do.
What to do now that the depression has lifted? Pick up the phone and call as if nothing had
happened? Feel embarrassed and continue
with the avoidance? The Voice says to
continue avoiding. Why set yourself up
for rejection? (Yes, the Voice is still
there, though quieter, when we feel better.)
However, while in the good place, the best course of action
is to pick up the phone, either say you’ve been sick, you’ve been dealing with
exhaustion, or be fully honest. That person may not understand, but you know
you’ve done what you need to do, opened up.
Yes, there’s the risk of rejection in just making the blasted call, but
how else to explain being in and out of someone’s life. Keep in mind, those people have feelings,
too. While we know we’ve inflicted pain,
explaining the brain cooties’ effects may at least offer a band aid.
Being honest is difficult.
Yes, I’m open about my illness, but that doesn’t mean it’s not scary,
especially when it comes to those I love most.
The Voice says “Don’t bother.
You’ve already burned your bridges” but the voice says it’s worth the effort.
Get over the embarrassment and the guilt, and make a phone call. Or send a text, email, or message on
Facebook…not quite as threatening that way, and an easier way to put out
feelers, so to speak.
Now, if you don’t mind, I need to go. Time to make some phone calls.